What’s on this week: 1 – 6 August


 A summer of sunshine and sport! ⚽ ⚽ ⚽
What’s on this week: 1 – 6 August

Dear <<First Name>>,

The summer holidays are now in full swing and we know that many of you (and our team) are excited to be taking long-awaited trips abroad.  We hope that you all reach your destination safely and without too much disruption on the way – and that you have a wonderful time restoring and relaxing!

For those of us not leaving the country this month, there is a super summer of sport to look forward to – starting with the final of the Women’s Euros today – we’ve been cheering the Lionesses on all the way and have our fingers firmly crossed for the final!  But if you’re not into football, we also have the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham to keep us glued to our TVs.  It’s always so inspiring to see the athletes reaping the rewards of their hard work and dedication and no doubt we’ll be joining them in tears of joy (and occasional sadness) as the Games go on!

Now that the weather has cooled down a bit, we’ll also be taking advantage of the great outdoors – tending to increasingly parched gardens, strolling along the river or even a bit of open water swimming.  Don’t forget to fit in your Pilates too, whether in the studio or online – it will help you prepare for and recover from more strenuous activities, or from sitting for too long watching TV!

We have a couple of changes to our timetable over August, while some of the team are on leave – see below for more details.

This week in Community Corner, we’re taking another look at the Twist.  Read more about this elegant and fun movement below!

Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you in the studio or online soon!

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Changes to the Class timetable
in August

Some of our team are on well-earned breaks over the next few weeks, so unfortunately, we have some changes to the class timetable during August:

– There will be no Mat Class in the Studio on Wednesday evenings throughout August.

– There will be no Reformer Plus Class on Monday 1 August – it will resume at its regular time of 12.30pm on Monday 8 August.

– There will be no Reformer Plus classes on Tuesday 9 and 16 August – the 10am, 6pm and 7pm classes will resume on Tuesday 23 August.

– We may be able to offer a Reformer Plus Class on either Monday or Wednesday evenings from 8 August, but will confirm in next week’s newsletter.

Please check class times on the schedules below – if we need to make any further changes to the timetable for 6 – 20 August, we will update in next week’s newsletter.  Please also be aware that we may need to cancel classes during this period if numbers are low.

We know that many of you are away during these weeks, but for those of you still at home, we apologise for the disruption and thank you for your understanding.

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All Things Pilates Community Corner!

As many of you are away, we thought we’d take another look at something your can practise on your mat, so we’re focusing on the Twist.

It’s great for all over body mobility and helps you find spirals from your fingers to your pelvis and from your pelvis to your toes!  It helps with shoulder mobility and promotes confidence in weight-bearing through the arms and shoulders.  When performed well it’s an elegant movement (as you can see from the video).  However, when you’re learning, it is great fun and often reduces us to fits of giggles if we get our legs and feet into too much twist and land in a (graceful?) heap!  Top tip – put some cushions on the floor around you while you’re learning the movement!

If you’d like to try the Twist but aren’t sure how – have a word with your teacher – we love talking about Pilates!

If you know of anyone who’d like to try Pilates, we have some super introductory offers for clients who are new to the studio:
– a one hour 1:1 session and a Reformer Plus class for only £60; or
– a one hour 1:1 session and a Mat Class (online or in the studio) for only £45.

You can find and buy the introductory offers here and book your sessions below.

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Best Wishes,

Gemma and the All Things Pilates team

Tel: 0208 549 2892
Email: admin@allthingspilates.co.uk
Website: www.allthingspilates.co.uk
Address: All Things Pilates, Unit 03 Princess Court, Horace Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2SL

Questions? Feedback?

For more information about the above, or if you have questions, please contact us and stay up to date with All Things Pilates:

(Apologies in advance if you have received this in duplicate or inappropriately – we are constantly updating our contacts database so it would help if you could let us know either way.)

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy your time at All Things Pilates!

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