What’s on this week: 11 – 16 July


 What’s on this week: 11 – 16 July!

Dear <<First Name>>,

We were delighted to welcome Becky to the studio on Monday and Wednesday.  She was an instant hit with clients, particularly in our Bone Health and Posture Class.  Likewise, Becky was hugely impressed and inspired by the strength and mobility of some of the senior members of our community – take a look at the photograph above.  It’s hard to believe that some of the group are octogenarians, but it really supports Joseph Pilates’ famous mantra:

“If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old. If it is flexible at 60, you are young.”

It seems that age really is just a number!

We know that many schools have broken up for the summer and that some of you – and some of our team – will be taking well-earned breaks!  We’re looking at our class timetable for August and have already decided to close the Mat Class in the Studio (on Wednesday evenings) throughout August.  We hope to be able to keep other classes runningdepending on numbers and teachers’ availability but keep an eye on the newsletter for further updates.

If you need to see a back issue of our newsletter (including our ‘how-to’ guide and tips on using our booking system), you can now access them on our website.  Click into the most recent newsletter to find the link to back issues.  We hope you find them useful.

This week in Community Corner, we’re taking another look at the Teaser, which has been the Find Your Flow® focus of our Reformer Plus classes over the last few weeks.  Read more about this challenging movement below!

Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you in the studio or online soon!

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All Things Pilates Community Corner!

This week we’re taking another look at the Teaser, which has been the Find Your Flow®focus of our Reformer Plus classes over the last few weeks.

The Teaser is one of the definitive Pilates exercises and many of us have a love/hate relationship with it!  When executed well (on the mat, the Reformer or the Chair) it is a wonderful exercise, although it has some challenges along the way!

The Teaser brings together many of the isolated movements that we work on in Reformer or Mat classes.  Take a look at the series of movements on our blackboard in the studio.  Each of them focuses on an element of the Teaser, to help you find the version that’s right for your body today!

As an integrated movement requiring every part of the body to move well and efficiently, we start by breaking down its many components, to ensure that we have the required core strength.  Just as importantly, we need flexibility in our hips and in the back and hamstrings.  It also requires good alignment of our pelvis and well-organised head, neck and shoulders.

The Teaser will strengthen abdominal muscles and back extensors, while stretching hips and hamstrings.

We have seen some amazing Teasers on the Reformer over the last few weeks – and would love to see yours!

If you know of anyone who’d like to try Pilates, we have some super introductory offers for clients who are new to the studio:
– a one hour 1:1 session and a Reformer Plus class for only £60; or
– a one hour 1:1 session and a Mat Class (online or in the studio) for only £45.

You can find and buy the introductory offers here and book your sessions below.

* Find our more about our Find Your Flow® Method here.

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Mat and Reformer Plus Classes
July 2022

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Best Wishes,

Gemma and the All Things Pilates team

Tel: 0208 549 2892
Email: admin@allthingspilates.co.uk
Website: www.allthingspilates.co.uk
Address: All Things Pilates, Unit 03 Princess Court, Horace Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2SL

Questions? Feedback?

For more information about the above, or if you have questions, please contact us and stay up to date with All Things Pilates:

(Apologies in advance if you have received this in duplicate or inappropriately – we are constantly updating our contacts database so it would help if you could let us know either way.)

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy your time at All Things Pilates!

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