What’s on this week: 12 – 17 June



 New Team Member: Welcome Arion!
What’s on this week: 12 – 17 June

Dear <<First Name>>,

Our rowing program is progressing well – we’re in week three now and we can see (and hope you can feel) real improvements in range of movement, strength, stamina and stability!  Keep up the great work everyone!

We’re already planning our next themed program and may start teasing one or two of the movements over the next couple of weeks.  Meanwhile, we’ll be taking a closer look at the Rowing movement in Community Corner below.

We are delighted to announce the arrival of a new team member who will be joining us this week.  Learn a little more about Arion below.  Initially, you’ll find him in the Studio on Monday mornings and on Wednesdays.  Welcome Arion!

Now that the sun has come out we’ve been noticing a different energy in our classes – particularly in our evening classes.  It’s such a super way to ease out tensions and stresses and to allow our bodies to unwind (quite literally) from being hunched over a desk all day!  We’re also enjoying the stroll or bike-ride home in the late evening sun, followed by a great night’s sleep!

We have Reformer Plus classes on Tuesday evenings and – if you’re new to Pilates, we have Reformer Fundamentals Classes on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.  Take a look at the timetable below – we look forward to seeing you there!

You can book your place in any of our classes using the link below.

We hope you have a great week and we look forward to seeing you in the studio or online soon!

Book Now!

Welcome Arion!

We know you’ll join us in welcoming Arion to our team!  Initially, you’ll find him in the Studio on Monday mornings and on Wednesdays.

Arion brings a wealth of experience.  He qualified as a Physiotherapist in Brazil in 2010, to which he added a comprehensive Pilates qualification in 2015.  He worked extensively in health and care settings in Brazil, prior to moving to England in 2021.

Arion is now working towards registering his Brazilian physiotherapy qualification in the UK.

Since moving to the UK, Arion has been teaching 1:1 Pilates and Reformer Classes in a variety of settings.  He enjoys bringing a sense of playfulness to Pilates practice, while challenging clients to get the best from their practice.

Gemma has been working with Arion over the last few weeks to share our Vision and Values and the Find Your Flow® method.  She has also brought him up to speed with our current Rowing Program.  Arion is really excited about the program and is ready to help you all get rowing from Monday!

We are looking forward to working with and learning from Arion as he brings Pilates – Brazilian style – to the Studio!

All Things Pilates Community Corner!

As those of you who attend class regularly know, we build up our Find Your Flow® program over a period of six weeks or thereabouts.

In the early weeks, we build strength and find mobility through a range of movements.  Later in the program, once we’re ready, we introduce more complex movements, and/or increase repetitions, or add challenge by increasing or decreasing the load on the springs.  Incidentally, it’s good to see so many of you gaining confidence to ‘play’ with the springs, to find what’s best for you that day!

In the Rowing program, we have now started to introduce the full Rowing movement.  At first glance (if you take a look at the picture above), we may think that it’s all about the shoulders and arms.  That’s not wrong, however….

We were chatting recently (we could chat all day about Pilates!) about the focus of the movement.  We broke down each of its component elements and what’s needed of our bodies to perform it well.  That, of course, led on to a discussion about how we can help clients find the movement in the way that’s best for their body that day.

First of all, we need to be able to sit up tall on the reformer bed.  That alone can be quite demanding for some of us, particularly if our lower back or hip flexors are tight.  However, we can modify that challenge by sitting on a block, to decrease the amount of hip flexion needed, which in turn, decreases the pull on the lower back.

To start the movement, we need to slide off our pelvis into a spine curl (although we can do that in a hinge movement for those with osteoporosis).  We need to hold that position – making demands on our core control – while controlling our breathing.

Now we get to the shoulders!  There’s some choreography involved, which calls for good proprioception (awareness of where our body and particularly our extremities like fingertips are, without being able to see them!)  While we rotate our shoulders and use arm strength and mobility to work through the movement, we’re also using our core and length through the front of our body.

It may seem very obvious, but as with many movements, breath control is important to help us flow through the movement.

So, as with many Pilates movements, there’s quite a lot packed into it!   As we become more familiar with the movement and as our bodies grow stronger, we’ll find that we can increase the range we enjoy. It’s certainly a movement that feels better with practice!

If you’d like to experience Rowingcome along to any of our Reformer Plus classes.  If you’re new to Pilates, our Reformer Fundamentals classes are a great place to start.  You can reserve a place in any of our classes below.

Book Now

Class Timetable: June

Best Wishes,

Gemma and the All Things Pilates team

Tel: 0208 549 2892
Email: admin@allthingspilates.co.uk
Website: www.allthingspilates.co.uk
Address: All Things Pilates, Unit 03 Princess Court, Horace Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2SL

Questions? Feedback?

For more information about the above, or if you have questions, please contact us and stay up to date with All Things Pilates:

(Apologies in advance if you have received this in duplicate or inappropriately – we are constantly updating our contacts database so it would help if you could let us know either way.)

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy your time at All Things Pilates!

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