What’s on this week: 17 – 22 July



 What’s on this Week: 17 – 22 July
Jumping into the Summer Holiday Season!

Dear <<First Name>>,

Our latest Find Your Flow® Program is now well underway.  We are having great fun jumping on the Reformer – learn about what’s involved and the benefits in Community Corner below!

The summer holiday season is getting underway.  Jacqueline is taking a well-earned break for the next two weeks and Arion will also be away for two weeks (last week in July and first week in August).  While they’re away, Gemma will be teaching the weekday morning classes and some evening classes and we may also have a special guest or two making a welcome return to the Studio to cover classes – watch this space for more news on that!

As we move into peak holiday season, remember that five class packages are valid for 6 weeks, and ten class packages are valid for 12 weeks.

Weekly practice is so important to reap the benefits of the Find Your Flow® Program.  If you’re going to be away, why not consider booking two classes the week before you go, or on your return – it will help your body prepare for, or perhaps recover from, your holiday (and ensure that you don’t lose any credits)!

If you’re about to go on your holidays, we wish you safe travels and a wonderfully restorative break.  If you’re not taking a break just yet, we hope you have a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you in the studio or online!

Book Now!

All Things Pilates Community Corner!

Our latest Find Your Flow® Program is now well underway – we hope you are all enjoying it as much as we are!

As part of the program, we’ve introduced some jumping movements using the jump board.

Jumping is one of those movements that can be quite daunting for some of us while we get used to it, but once we get going, it’s a really fun exercise – taking us right back to the freedom of movement we enjoyed as children!

One of the most challenging elements of jumping on the Reformer is a soft landing – it demonstrates that we are connecting with the springs and from which part of our body we’re controlling the movement.  When combining jumping with chest lift, we’ll be connecting through our hamstrings (back of the thighs) and into our core.  That has the added benefit of protecting our ankle, knee and hip joints from the impact of landing.

You’ll have seen already that we can add lots of variations – single legsalternating legscriss-crossing arms and legs.  And, of course, we can always change the springs to increase the challenge.  Interestingly, with a lighter spring, you’ll be working harder in your core muscles to support your legs while the carriage ‘floats’ in; whereas, a heavier spring will target leg muscles.

Jumping is a great full body movements and has lots of benefits.  It helps build cardiovascular and muscle endurance, as well as improving strength, mobility and motor coordination.  It will also help build bone strength, which may help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Most importantly of all, it’s great fun – you can almost feel endorphins releasing – and we’ve yet to see anyone who finishes a jumping routine without a smile on their face!

Jumping is only one aspect of our Down Stretch Program – we’ll be taking a closer look at other elements of the program in coming weeks.

If you’d like to experience the joy of Jumping in our Down Stretch Program, you can reserve your place below!

Book Now

Help us by leaving a review please!

Reviews are really important to us as a small business.  We are enormously grateful to those of you who have left reviews or five star ratings on our google page.  (Googles searches and word of mouth recommendations are the most common ways that new clients come into the Studio.)

We’d like to share a recent review left by “I” who is 76 years young!:

I started doing Reformer Pilates several years ago after finishing a local ‘Better Bones’ course, and it turned out to be a really good decision. Gemma and the team have been wonderful – very friendly, and offering just the right mix of challenge and encouragement. I’ve been specially impressed by the way they can adapt exercises to meet the individual needs of each student within the class. Thank you!

Thank you “I” – we really appreciate the feedback and it is always such a joy to see you moving so well in class!

If you’re able to help by leaving a review, you can do so using the QR code below:

If you’re not familiar with QR codes, you can leave a review (or star rating) using this link – thank you!

Class Timetable: July

Best Wishes,

Gemma and the All Things Pilates team

Tel: 0208 549 2892
Email: admin@allthingspilates.co.uk
Website: www.allthingspilates.co.uk
Address: All Things Pilates, Unit 03 Princess Court, Horace Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2SL

Questions? Feedback?

For more information about the above, or if you have questions, please contact us and stay up to date with All Things Pilates:

(Apologies in advance if you have received this in duplicate or inappropriately – we are constantly updating our contacts database so it would help if you could let us know either way.)

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy your time at All Things Pilates!

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