What’s on this week: 24 – 29 July


 What’s on this Week: 24 – 29 July
Ready for Summer?

Dear <<First Name>>,

It’s hard to believe that we’re heading into Week 3 of our latest Find Your Flow® Program.  We can really see the difference the Down Stretch Program is making to your overall strength and mobility.  There’s also some cardio work involved, which everyone seems to be enjoying – we can feel the endorphins flowing!  We hope that you are enjoying the Program and feeling the benefits in your body and in your everyday movement.

While Jacqueline is away, we have had to cancel the Reformer Fundamentals class on Thursday evenings.  However, there are still places in Gemma’s class on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm.  The Reformer Fundamentals class is great for anyone wanting to experience Reformer Pilates.  You’ll learn the basics and prepare to jump into any of our Reformer Plus classes.

On Tuesday 25 July, for one week only (at least for now!) Nina will be making a welcome return to the Studio to teach the classes at 6pm and 7pm.  We are delighted that she is able to teach these classes and are sure you’ll welcome her return as much as we do – thanks Nina!

You can reserve your place in any of our classes by clicking on the button below.

We know that many of you will now be heading off for your summer break.  If you’d like to keep up your practice while you’re away, take a look at our YouTube channel for tips on keeping your Hips and Side body mobile (with a gorgeous throwback to Isla, the Christmas Elf – how she has grown!!).  We also have some tips on avoiding back pain while you’re away.  Finally, take a look at the Wave –  a  feel-good movement to help keep your spine mobile.  You can do this at various heights – it’s a great kitchen counter movement while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil!  You could also try Bridging and Chest Lift while you’re lying on the beach – the possibilities are endless!

Weekly practice is so important to reap the benefits of the Find Your Flow® Program.  If you’re going to be away, why not consider booking two classes the week before you go, or on your return – it will help your body prepare for, or perhaps recover from, your holiday (and ensure that you don’t lose any credits)!

If you’re about to go on your holidays, we wish you safe travels and a wonderfully restorative break.  If you’re not taking a break just yet, we hope you have a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you in the studio or online!

Book Now!

All Things Pilates Community Corner!

It’s hard to believe that we’re heading into Week Three of our latest Find Your Flow® Program – it seems that time really does fly when you’re having fun!

One of the movements that we’re working on in this Program is the Supine Arms seriescombined with a chest lift.  As you will have experienced, there are many variations to increase or decrease the level of challenge – feet on the foot plate, legs in table top, single legs.  Of course, we can also vary the springs to work at optimal range for our body that day.

In the Supine Arms series, we’ve been finding the movement from muscles in the back of our shoulders, to strengthen the stabilisers of our shoulder girdle and, of course, to tone muscles in our arms.  This is great for helping us improve spinal mobility, arm strength and motor coordination.

By lengthening our legs away from our body (in table top, or in full leg extension) we’ll also be working into core muscles, particularly abdominal muscles.  We all tend to think about the ‘six-pack’ but at a practical level, the abdominal muscles help to support our spine and hold organs in place, as well as protecting our pelvic floor.

Supine Arms is only one aspect of our Down Stretch Program – we’ll be taking a closer look at other elements of the program in coming weeks.

If you’d like to experience our Down Stretch Program, you can reserve your place below!

Book Now

Help us by leaving a review please!

Reviews are really important to us as a small business.  We are enormously grateful to those of you who have left reviews or five star ratings on our google page.  (Googles searches and word of mouth recommendations are the most common ways that new clients come into the Studio.)

We’d like to share a recent review left by “G”:

“I have been routinely using All Things Pilates for 4+ years now and I wouldn’t look back! The team are incredibly helpful and have done absolute wonders for my “bad knee”, general stability, and my overall strength.
I recently went from one session a week to two and have cut out the gym – gym just wasn’t for me but I feel so many benefits from Pilates. I definitely recommend All Things Pilates!!”

Thank you “G” – we really appreciate the feedback and it is always such a joy to see you moving so well, while having fun, in class!

If you’re able to help by leaving a review, you can do so using the QR code below:

If you’re not familiar with QR codes, you can leave a review (or star rating) using this link – thank you!

Class Timetable: July

Best Wishes,

Gemma and the All Things Pilates team

Tel: 0208 549 2892
Email: admin@allthingspilates.co.uk
Website: www.allthingspilates.co.uk
Address: All Things Pilates, Unit 03 Princess Court, Horace Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2SL

Questions? Feedback?

For more information about the above, or if you have questions, please contact us and stay up to date with All Things Pilates:

(Apologies in advance if you have received this in duplicate or inappropriately – we are constantly updating our contacts database so it would help if you could let us know either way.)

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy your time at All Things Pilates!

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