What’s on this week: 6 – 11 March



  What’s on this week: 6 – 11March

New Find Your Flow® Program underway!
Dear <<First Name>>,

This week we have working on our new themed Find your Flow® program.  We’ll take a closer look at the new program in Community Corner below!

Over the last few weeks you have raised some interesting questions about the programs, so we thought we’d share our thinking with you – hope it helps!

Why do we offer a themed program over a period of six weeks, rather than a different class every week?
By repeating, broadly, the same exercises over a number of weeks, the body gets used to the movement patterns and so becomes more efficient in moving that way.  It learns (and commits to muscle memory) which muscles to use for greatest efficiency.  By working those muscles over a period of time, they become stronger and more capable.
You may have noticed that in Week 1 of a program, you might manage to do one or two sets of 3 or 4 repetitions of a movement, whereas by Week 6, perhaps you can do three sets of 6 to 8 repetitions.

Will I still be getting a full body workout if the focus is on, for example, hip mobility?
The short answer is ‘yes’.  Because of the way we build the program and progress through the 6 weeks, you will still be enjoying a full body workout each week.  As muscles get used to new movements, they sometimes have to work hard to find the right form.  Once the muscles are more familiar with the form, we have the option to increase intensity and repetitions over the course of the program.

Will there will be sufficient challenge in the class?
Again, the short answer it ‘yes’.  Each program is designed with a range of progressions to increase the level of challenge (or support – see below). In the early weeks, the teachers will help you find the right form of movement.  In Pilates, like so many forms of exercise, it’s possible to ‘cheat’ your way into a movement, using big muscles that want to take the load.  That’s not necessarily wrong, but the intention of a particular movement may be to help you activate deeper muscles, which in itself can be a challenge for many of us!
Don’t be surprised to find that, in the early weeks of the program, you’re invited to slow down your repetitions and/or hold a particular stretch.  You may even find your muscles starting to shake!  Don’t worry about that (in moderation) – it’s a physiological and neurological response to working hard in a new movement pattern.

How is it possible to offer classes suitable for any level of ability?
Again, that’s all about the design of the program.  In the picture above, clients are working on Plank to Inverted V at a more advanced level. If using the Reformer, we can change the springs to increase or decrease the level of challenge.  If you’re not yet comfortable performing this movement on the Reformer, you can stand with your feet on the floor.  Don’t worry – you’l still be feeling the benefits of the exercise – (hip flexion through to extension, and stabilisation of the shoulder girdle).
It’s important for everyone to move at the pace that’s right for their body on that day, although your teacher may suggest you move to a more challenging level if they think you’re ready for it – always in a supportive way of course!

Can I join a Reformer Plus class if I have no experience of Reformer Pilates?
If it’s possible, we always recommend that you take advantage of  one of our Introductory Offers.  You can enjoy either:
2 x one hour long 1:1 sessions for £99; or
1 x one hour long 1:1 session and 1 x Reformer Plus class for £60
Alternatively, we recommend coming along to our Reformer Fundamentals Class.  
Any of these options would help you understand more about the Reformer before joining any of ur Reformer Plus Classes (see the timetable below).
As our classes are limited to 4 attendees, you’ll always get some individual attention to help you get the most from the Class – book your place below!

Thanks for your questions – please keep them coming!

Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you in the studio or online soon!

Book Now!

All Things Pilates Community Corner!

We’ve now moved onto our new themed Program – we hope you’re enjoying it!

The new program will continue to focus on hip mobility from flexion through to extension – so important for walkingclimbing stairssitting down and getting back up again.  It’s also really important for anything requiring ‘explosive’ movement such as runningjumpingsquatting and lifting weights.

We are also introducing some of the Kneeling Arm Series from the Pilates repertoire. You might think that these movements are all about mobilising and strengthening our shoulders.  That’s true, but Pilates is rarely (if ever) focused on only one part of our body!  When doing these movements, we’ll also be challenging dynamic core stabilityhip extension and knee flexion.

But, as ever, don’t worry – we’ll take you through a range of progressions so that you’re working hard, but within your own ability on that day!

Over the coming weeks we’ll dive a little deeper into some of the movements in this program.

We’d love to have your feedback on the latest program!  In the meantime – enjoy!

Book Now

Class Timetable: March

Best Wishes,

Gemma and the All Things Pilates team

Tel: 0208 549 2892
Email: admin@allthingspilates.co.uk
Website: www.allthingspilates.co.uk
Address: All Things Pilates, Unit 03 Princess Court, Horace Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2SL

Questions? Feedback?

For more information about the above, or if you have questions, please contact us and stay up to date with All Things Pilates:

(Apologies in advance if you have received this in duplicate or inappropriately – we are constantly updating our contacts database so it would help if you could let us know either way.)

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy your time at All Things Pilates!

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