What’s on this week: 8 – 13 May


 Happy Coronation Weekend!
What’s on this week: 8 – 13 May

Dear <<First Name>>,

The Bank Holiday weekends are coming thick and fast this month, but this one’s a bit special!  We know that some of you will be taking to the streets whether in London, or for your own street party, while others will be glued to their TV sets over the weekend.  Others are making the most of the bank holidays by enjoying a few days away, at home or abroad.  Whatever, you’re up to this weekend, we hope that you have a wonderful time!

Just a reminder that the Studio will be closed on Monday 8 May, but we’ll be back to normal from Tuesday 9 May.

For those of us still at home, a reminder that we have a NEW Reformer Fundamentals Class on Thursday evenings at 6.30pm.

It’s an ideal class for beginners, so if you’d like to try Reformer Pilates, you can book your place below.

Our evening classes are such a great way to end the day – clients sometimes arrive feeling tight and headachy after a long day at their desk, or following the evening commute.  During the class they ease out the tensions, while strengthening and lengthening muscle groups and leave with a spring in their step!  There’s often also a social element to the classes.  Everyone works hard, cheering each other on, but we usually find time for light-hearted moments – and occasionally share cocktail-making recipes.  (You’ll have to come to class to find more about that one!!)

We have Reformer Plus Classes on Tuesday evenings at 6pm and 7pm; and
Reformer Fundamentals Classes on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm (but not this week) and on Thursday evenings at 6.30pm.

We’d love to see you there!

We are nearing the end of our Tendon Stretch/Gymnast program and are so impressed with the progress you’ve all been making. We can see – and hope you can feel – how much stronger everyone is and huge improvements in balance and stability.

Gemma is taking a well-earned break this week, so we’re using the opportunity to trial guided practice sessions led by Hilary.  Depending on feedback and interest, we hope to add these to our regular timetable in the near future.

We hope you have a great week and we look forward to seeing you in the studio or online soon!

Book Now!

All Things Pilates Community Corner!

As we’re nearing the end of our Tendon Stretch/Gymnast program, we thought we’d take a closer look at those two movements.

Tendon Stretch and Gymnast are full body movements. They’re great for strengthening our upper body – Gymnast requires a tricep dip while we’re extended on the carriage!  To start the movement, we need to have good spinal mobility with our head upside down pointing towards the carriage and our arms reaching behind us.  For some of us, that upside down feeling can be quite daunting, which is why we build up to the full movement either starting with our feet on the floor, or with all of the springs on the carriage.  In that way, we can get used to the feeling of rolling the spine into and out of flexion without fear of the carriage moving.

It’s been wonderful to see everyone grow in confidence, reducing the load on the springs as balance and proprioception improve.

The next challenge is to send the carriage out (from the upside down standing position) uncurl the spine and add a tricep dip.  To achieve this, we need to use muscles in our core and legs, as well as using our upper body muscles for support.  Again, we have built up to this slowly, allowing everyone to find the movement in their own time.

Bringing the carriage in again really challenges our core and arm strength.

Once we find our form and rhythm, we can start to flow in and out of the movement almost like being on a swing.  Many clients really enjoy the freedom of the movement and comment that it’s like being a child again, swinging back and forth.

Others have told us that they feel as though the springs are doing all of the work!  That’s great to hear, but the springs really aren’t doing all of the work – you are! 

If the movement feels ‘easy’ it suggests that you’re using your body efficiently and effectively, which is what Pilates is really all about.  Of course, if you tell us that you’re finding it easy, we may  challenge you to increase repetitions, or time spent on the movement, or increase/decrease the load on the springs!

Our ability to find ease in Tendon Stretch and Gymnast (like many other Pilates movements) can depend very much on how our body feels that day – for example, if we’ve been on our feet or at our desk all day, if we’ve had a rigorous workout recently, or if we’re recovering from illness or injury.  One of the benefits of Reformer Pilates in particular, is the ability to increase or decrease the challenge using the springs.  It’s great to see many of you gaining confidence to ‘play’ with and ‘feel’ the springs – if you’re not sure whether the spring you’re using is right for you that day, have a word with your teacher so that she can help you find the right balance.

If you have and feedback on the Tendon Stretch/Gymnast program, or ideas on what you’d like to work on in future programs, please let us know – we love devising new programs!

Book Now

Class Timetable: May

NB.  We will be closed on Monday 8 May
Best Wishes,

Gemma and the All Things Pilates team

Tel: 0208 549 2892
Email: admin@allthingspilates.co.uk
Website: www.allthingspilates.co.uk
Address: All Things Pilates, Unit 03 Princess Court, Horace Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2SL

Questions? Feedback?

For more information about the above, or if you have questions, please contact us and stay up to date with All Things Pilates:

(Apologies in advance if you have received this in duplicate or inappropriately – we are constantly updating our contacts database so it would help if you could let us know either way.)

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy your time at All Things Pilates!

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