What’s on this week: 9 – 14 October


What’s on this week:
9 – 14 October

We’ve started our new Find Your Flow® Program!
Dear <<First Name>>,

We’re making the most of what may be the last of the ‘summer’ sunshine this weekend, with the promise of a team BBQ on the cards!  We hope you’re able to enjoy some sunshine too.

Although this has been an unusual start to October, we love this time of year and feel very lucky to have so many green spaces nearby, where we can witness the splendour of nature as leaves develop amazing colours before winter takes hold.  We’ve been enjoying our walks and cycling through the parks, particularly as the weather has been so kind.

We’ve been busy in the Studio too, as we introduce our new Find Your Flow® program to everyone  You can get a taste of what will be coming up over the next few weeks from the pictures above.  You can also read more about it in Community Corner below!

Some of you have asked why we change the program every six weeks or so, while others have asked why we don’t change the program (as many other studios do) every week.

Actually, we think that the way we run our programs sets us apart from other Studios, or Pilates classes generally.  No matter which class you attend, you’ll be offered a broadly similar program, working from the same theme.  You’ll be targeting particular areas of the body, while always enjoying a full body workout.

At the start of the program, we often find that clients are a little confused by some of the movements.  That’s perfectly natural – it is somewhat confusing for our bodies to move in totally unfamiliar ways.  (The body’s natural reaction is to want to use familiar muscle patterns – we’re challenging it to activate under-used muscles!)

Over time, as regular class attendees know, the body becomes more familiar with the new muscle patterns, so that we can increase the challenge.  Over the six weeks’ period, we might notice difference in our movement patterns, not just in class, but in everyday activities.

One of the many benefits of our six weeks programs is that we can take time to ‘layer’ movements.  We always start at a more basic level to help everyone find the right ‘form’ for the movement.  Over the course of the program, as we become more familiarstronger and more confident, we can add complexity: by adding or reducing springsincreasing the balance challenge (no hands, standing on the carriage rather than kneeling etc): or adding different choreography – some of you have been surprised this week to find yourselves performing scooter while pulling on therabands!

Another benefit of planning and delivering a program over six weeks is that we can anticipate modifications for those who need them (eg. osteoporosis, pregnancy, joint issues).  This means that our teachers, who are already expert at adapting movements to meet the needs of clients’ bodies that day, already have modifications in mind, so that the flow of the class isn’t interrupted.

This also means that teachers can take time to offer individual attention – focusing on each individuals’ needs, to help improve their formovercome ‘blocks’ (physical and/or mental) and get the most from their class.

Although we often carry forward some movements (sometimes with modifications) from previous programs, we think that changing the program every six weeks helps ensure that ‘muscle memory’ doesn’t take too much hold, tempting us to go through the class on auto-pilot.

We are always delighted to have your feedback on the programs – thank you and please keep it coming!

We hope you have a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you in the studio or online!

Book Now!

All Things Pilates Community Corner!

We have enjoyed sharing our new Find Your Flow® program with you all this week – and are delighted by your early reactions.

We’re calling this Program ‘Stomach Massage’ as that’s the central theme.  However, you can rest assured that you’ll continue to enjoy a full body workout at whichever class you choose to attend.

We thought we’d take a look at what we’ll be doing over the course of the next few weeks – and importantly, what we hope you’ll get out of the program.

As always, we’ll layer the program, starting at a more basic level and adding challenge and complexity as we go along.  You’ll always be able to select the level that’s right for your body that day.  It’s wonderful to see how everyone has grown in confidence to play with the springs and ‘have a go’ at adding complexity, even if only for a few repetitions.

So what is the Stomach Massage program all about?  

It’s hard to believe when you first do it, but Joseph Pilates’ intention was that the Stomach Massage movement really does serve to massage the internal organs.  As you’ll realise when you’re performing the movement, it is a really deep squat – and squatting has a positive effect on the digestive system.  We’ll be finding deep flexion in our hips – in juxtaposition to the hip extension that we found in the Grasshopper Program.

But, as with many Pilates’ movementsit does more than that.  It helps us find our ‘C’ curve that is so important in many movements and helps us mobilise our spine.  To perform Stomach Massage well, we’ll also be using muscles in our bottoms (our ‘glutes’) and in more advanced stages, we’ll be finding rotations and shoulder range.  We’ll also need to use our breath to find the right form and flow.

So, to enhance our experience of Stomach Massage, we’re introducing a range of exercises to strengthen our glutes (the ever-popular Scooter); help us find our ‘C’ curve (Chest Lift and Supine Arms series); improve our shoulder range (quadruped series); and help us find flexion while using our abdominal muscles (Reverse Abs series).

As always, after all of the hard work, we’ll cool down and relax our muscles with some Mermaids, Feet in Straps series, Grasshopper – or something similar, depending on the needs – or even at the request of – the class!

Over the next few weeks, we’ll take a closer look at some of the movements we’ll be working on – meanwhile, we’d love your feedback on the Stomach Massage Program!

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Class Timetable:October

Best Wishes,

Gemma and the All Things Pilates team

Tel: 0208 549 2892
Email: admin@allthingspilates.co.uk
Website: www.allthingspilates.co.uk
Address: All Things Pilates, Unit 03 Princess Court, Horace Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2SL

Questions? Feedback?

For more information about the above, or if you have questions, please contact us and stay up to date with All Things Pilates:

(Apologies in advance if you have received this in duplicate or inappropriately – we are constantly updating our contacts database so it would help if you could let us know either way.)

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy your time at All Things Pilates!

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